645 Dueber Ave. SW, Canton, OH 44706
Giving to Dueber
Dueber Church is pleased to offer several convenient, secure giving methods.
1. In person or by mail
Offering envelopes are available in the pews and in the main office for your contributions
to Dueber. Please make your check payable to Dueber Church and drop it in the offering plate
during each service, or you may use the secure mail slot outside the church office.
When giving cash, clearly write your name and mailing address on the outside of the envelope
in order to receive contribution credit for your gift. You may also mail your contributions
to Dueber Church, 645 Dueber Ave SW, Canton, OH 44706.
If you are interested in receiving personalized offering envelopes or would like to discontinue
receiving these offering envelopes, please notify the church office.
2. Electronic Giving
Online bill-pay - Many individuals can set up tithing to Dueber Church through their online
banking bill-pay service. Make sure your online banking service includes your name, address and
any fund designations on the check to receive proper contribution credit.
3. Paypal
You may give to Dueber Church via Paypal by clicking this donate button
and following the instructions.
4. Stock Gifts
Appreciated stock is a tax advantageous way to give to Dueber.
For questions about stock and other non-cash gifts, contact your tax professional.
If you wish to transfer appreciated stock, it must be transferred by the last Friday
of the current year in order to count for that year.
5. Memorials and Honorariums
Memorial and honorarium donations may be made to Dueber.
When making a contribution this way, please note on the check the name of the person
being honored.
Make your check payable to Dueber and mail to: 645 Dueber Ave SW, Canton, OH 44706
Dueber will send an acknowledgement to both the donor and the family of the honoree,
as long as both addresses are included with your donation.
6. Special Charitable Donations of IRA Assets
Donors that are 70 1/2 years or older are allowed special charitable donations
of individual retirement account (IRA) assets. If you wish to take advantage of this provision,
please contact your tax advisor.
We recommend that you contact your tax advisor for professional advice
before making any donations.
Thank you for considering Dueber in your charitable giving.